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Odor Descriptors for licorice black licorice
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - licorice black licorice
Secondary (Second) - licorice black licorice
Tertiary (Third) - licorice black licorice
Quaternary (Fourth) - licorice black licorice
Quinary (Fifth) - licorice black licorice
Senary (Sixth) - licorice black licorice
FL/FR sassafras acetate
 odor: sweet anisic tarragon anise spicy sassafrass black licorice root beer herbal
 flavor: sweet spicy root beer black licorice sassafrass tarragon anise herbal
Septenary (Seventh) - licorice black licorice
Octonary (Eighth) - licorice black licorice
FL/FR dihydroanethol
 odor: sweet anise licorice sassafrass fennel
 flavor: Intense herbal fennel sweetness reminiscent of black licorice, sassafras and anise. It has slight spicy basil-like nuances
FL/FR ethyl phenyl acetate
 odor: sweet floral honey rose balsam cocoa
 flavor: Strong sweet rosy honey and balsamic cocoa-like with molasses and yeasty nuances
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