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Flavor Descriptors for yeasty
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - yeasty
FL yeast flavor
Secondary (Second) - yeasty
FL beer
 flavor: beer
FL/FR beer CO2 extract
 odor: animal fresh yeasty bitter
 flavor: beer
CS beer extract
 odor: beer
 flavor: beer
FL propionaldehyde
 odor: Ethereal, pungent, chocking with earthy, alcoholic wine lees-like with a whiskey and brandy impact and cocoa nutty and slightly meaty nuance on dryout with a grape like nuance
 flavor: Musty, yeasty, ethereal, nutty and vegetative with nuances of potato, blue cheese, grape, banana, apple, broccoli, almond and chocolate
Tertiary (Third) - yeasty
FL diisoamyl thiomalate
 odor: fermented coffee yeast dark rye bread
 flavor: coffee bready yeasty fermented
FL faex extracts
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FL fermented flavor
FL/FR5-methyl quinoxaline
 odor: Nut shell, musty, roasted and pyrazine-like with coffee, hazelnut and potato nuances
 flavor: Nutty, roasted, peanut and pyrazine-like with a yeasty corn chip nuance
Quaternary (Fourth) - yeasty
FL/FR2-acetyl pyrazine
 odor: popcorn nutty corn chip bread crust chocolate hazelnut coffee
 flavor: Roasted, nutty, bready and yeasty, with popcorn and corn chip nuances
Quinary (Fifth) - yeasty
FL beer flavor
FLbantu beer flavor
FL/FR cinnamyl cinnamate
 odor: sweet balsam floral cassia cinnamyl
 flavor: Spicy, cinnamic balsamic, with a floral, yeasty note and a lingering spicy aftertaste
FL/FR theobroma cacao extract
 odor: cocoa roasted powdery beany
 flavor: cocoa bitter powdery brown beany
Senary (Sixth) - yeasty
FL bread crust flavor
FL bread flavor
FLwheat bread flavor
FLwhite bread flavor
FL/FR cinnamyl alcohol
 odor: sweet balsam hyacinth spicy green powdery cinnamic
 flavor: Green, floral, spicy and honey with a fermented yeasty nuance
 odor: Musty, ketonic, bleu and parmesan cheese-like with earthy and dairy nuances
 flavor: Dairy, waxy, cheese, woody, mushroom and yeast
Septenary (Seventh) - yeasty
FL cognac flavor
FL/FRwhite cognac oil
 odor: winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: Alcoholic, fatty, fusel, whiskey, fermented, bready and yeasty
FL/FR cognac oil replacer
 odor: yeasty alcoholic fusel whiskey fermentedwoody
 flavor: alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FL/FR ethyl phenyl acetate
 odor: sweet floral honey rose balsam cocoa
 flavor: Strong sweet rosy honey and balsamic cocoa-like with molasses and yeasty nuances
FL yeast thiazoline
 odor: green nut skin sulfurous burnt cocoa corn
 flavor: malty cocoa chocolate hops nut skin cornmeal yeasty meaty
Octonary (Eighth) - yeasty
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