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Flavor Descriptors for potato baked potato
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - potato baked potato
Secondary (Second) - potato baked potato
FL/FR mesityl oxide
 odor: musty, mildew, earthy, chemical, card board like with nutty, chocolate and woody nuances
 flavor: potato bin, raw and baked potato, jimica with raw vegetative, nutty and dirt like nuances
FL propyl 2-mercaptopropionate
 odor: cooked roasted meat baked potato roasted meat
 flavor: earthy baked potato roasted peanut
Tertiary (Third) - potato baked potato
FL chestnut flavor
FL squash flavor
Quaternary (Fourth) - potato baked potato
FL artichoke flavor
FLdextro,laevo-3-(methyl thio) butanone
 odor: sulfurous milky oily potato earthy fatty
 flavor: milky creamy potato baked potato oily baked shellfish brown
Quinary (Fifth) - potato baked potato
Senary (Sixth) - potato baked potato
FL/FR2-acetyl-3-methyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain corn chip vegetable nut skin caramellic
 flavor: nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain potato chip baked potato nut skin vegetable
Septenary (Seventh) - potato baked potato
Octonary (Eighth) - potato baked potato
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