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Flavor Descriptors for leek
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - leek
FL allyl mercaptan
 odor: Sulfurous and alliaceous, sauteed onion and garlic, roasted, grilled and charred meaty nuances
 flavor: Alliaceous onion, garlic and leek. It has meaty bouillon savory nuances
FL benzyl mercaptan
 odor: Sharp, sulfuraceous, onion, garlic, horseradish, mint and coffee
 flavor: Leek, horseradish, cabbage, green, tomato and coffee
FL leek flavor
FL leek oil
 odor: sulfurous alliaceous onion
 flavor: sulfurous alliaceous leek
FL leek oleoresin
 flavor: leek
Secondary (Second) - leek
Tertiary (Third) - leek
Quaternary (Fourth) - leek
FL allyl mercaptan
 odor: Sulfurous and alliaceous, sauteed onion and garlic, roasted, grilled and charred meaty nuances
 flavor: Alliaceous onion, garlic and leek. It has meaty bouillon savory nuances
FLisopropyl mercaptan
 odor: strong ripe onion gassy meaty sulfurous
 flavor: Soft-boiled egg yolk, hydrogen sulfide, rich mouth feel, strong poultry, leek and onion-like
Quinary (Fifth) - leek
Senary (Sixth) - leek
Septenary (Seventh) - leek
Octonary (Eighth) - leek
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