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Flavor Descriptors for chamomile
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - chamomile
FL/FR anthemis nobilis flower extract
 odor: Green, herbal, hay, tea, woody and floral with a tropical, fruity undernote
 flavor: Green, herbal, floral, tea and woody with a tropical, fruity nuance
FL/FR anthemis nobilis flower oil england
 odor: chamomile
 flavor: chamomile
FL/FR anthemis nobilis flower oil roman
 odor: sweet herbal green cognac spicy woody
 flavor: Sweet, floral, spice-like with a warm herbal green tea nuance
FR anthemis nobilis flower water
 odor: chamomile
 flavor: chamomile
FL/FR anthemis nobilis oil
 odor: sweet herbal green cognac spicy woody
 flavor: chamomile
FL/FR chamomile absolute
 odor: herbal camphoreous balsamic woody
 flavor: chamomile
FL/FR chamomile distillates
 odor: chamomile
 flavor: herbal sweet medicinal phenolic fruity
FL chamomile essence
 flavor: chamomile
FL/FR chamomile extract
 odor: chamomile
 flavor: chamomile
FL chamomile flavor
FR chamomile oil morocco
 odor: fresh herbal camphoreous sweet cistus balsamic
 flavor: chamomile
FL chamomile peach flavor
FL/FR matricaria chamomilla flower oil
 odor: herbal sweet medicinal phenolic fruity green tea algae
 flavor: herbal green weedy oily cognac medicinal woody
FL/FR matricaria chamomilla flower oil CO2 extract
 odor: herbal floral medicinal
FR ormenis multicaulis flower oil morocco
 odor: chamomile
 flavor: chamomile
Secondary (Second) - chamomile
FLchamomile tea flavor
Tertiary (Third) - chamomile
FL chai chamomile flavor
Quaternary (Fourth) - chamomile
Quinary (Fifth) - chamomile
Senary (Sixth) - chamomile
FL/FR lemongrass oil
 odor: fresh sweet lemon grassy green bois de rose tomato leaf
 flavor: Green, citrus, lemon, floral, linalool, spice and chamomile-like
Septenary (Seventh) - chamomile
FL/FR cadinene
 odor: fresh woody longifolone
 flavor: woody terpenic herbal vetiver patchouli spicy chamomile phenolic
FL lemongrass flavor
Octonary (Eighth) - chamomile
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