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Flavor Descriptors for banana unripe banana
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - banana unripe banana
Secondary (Second) - banana unripe banana
FLgreen banana flavor
Tertiary (Third) - banana unripe banana
FL/FR(E)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: sharp fruity green cortex hyacinth narcissus rummy unripe banana pear
 flavor: green cortex unripe banana fruity pear cognac earthy leafy weedy
FL/FR hexyl formate
 odor: apple unripe plum banana sweet
 flavor: ethereal green unripe banana nasturtium plum skin
Quaternary (Fourth) - banana unripe banana
FL/FR phenethyl formate
 odor: rose green hyacinth watercress herbal
 flavor: sweet green cortex watercress unripe banana narcissus phenolic
Quinary (Fifth) - banana unripe banana
FL kiwi distillates
 odor: kiwi green fruity unripe banana grassy melon
 flavor: kiwi green fruity grassy seedy banana unripe banana mango melon apple
Senary (Sixth) - banana unripe banana
 odor: fresh spicy green woody herbal earthy
 flavor: herbal spicy green nasturtium earthy unripe banana mushroom
Septenary (Seventh) - banana unripe banana
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl formate
 odor: fresh green waxy sweet vegetable grassy sharp
 flavor: Green, waxy, fresh vegetable, fruity, apple, guava, green banana
Octonary (Eighth) - banana unripe banana
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