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Flavor Descriptors for artichoke
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - artichoke
FD artichoke
 flavor: artichoke
FL artichoke flavor
FD artichoke leaf
 odor: artichoke green leafy
 flavor: artichoke green leafy
FL cynara scolymus leaf extract
 flavor: green artichoke
FL squash flavor
Secondary (Second) - artichoke
FL jackfruit flavor
Tertiary (Third) - artichoke
FL asparagus flavor
FL cactus flavor
FL/FR hexahydrofarnesyl acetone
 odor: oily herbal jasmin celery woody
 flavor: sweet green melon rind artichoke tropical watermelon rind kiwi starfruit winey
Quaternary (Fourth) - artichoke
FL guacamole flavor
Quinary (Fifth) - artichoke
FL avocado flavor
FL/FR green ether
 odor: fresh green metallic spring hyacinth cool leafy
 flavor: green leafy metallic nasturtium artichoke tropical fruity pineapple
Senary (Sixth) - artichoke
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl octanoate
 odor: green leafy orchid kiwi metallic fruity asparagus lettuce
 flavor: green fruity winey oily asparagus artichoke metallic
FL/FR(E)-2-nonen-1-yl acetate
 odor: fruity waxy citrus rind rue carrot seed oily earthy fatty
 flavor: waxy rue oily fatty citrus rind artichoke carrot earthy
Septenary (Seventh) - artichoke
Octonary (Eighth) - artichoke
FL/FR butyl 2-decenoate
 odor: fatty oily green dairy nasturtium clean citrus
 flavor: fruity green fatty nasturtium oily cilantro soapy artichoke
FL/FR ethyl 2-ethyl acetoacetate
 odor: fruity winey green herbal earthy rootbeer ethereal
 flavor: fruity ethereal green cortex tropical winey papaya artichoke
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 odor: green grassy fruity tropical pear kiwi berry artichoke
 flavor: fruity green kiwi pear tropical herbal artichoke tea
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